Updates for older versions of BBEdit are available on the BBEdit downloads page. Note: Updates for old versions are only available for licensed owners of those versions. New licenses for versions older than the current release are no longer available.
download bbedit 11 serial number
You must have a Yojimbo 4 serial number to use this version. Registered customers who purchased Yojimbo 3.0 to 3.0.4 on or after June 14, 2013 are eligible for a free upgrade. All others will need to purchase an upgrade to obtain a Yojimbo 4 serial number. (Please download the app first and give it a try!)
Made a change so that the Open Recent submenu doesn't try torepopulate itself in response to a simple keyboard equivalentmatch (since the menu itself doesn't have any keyboardassignments possible). This will help when there are a largenumber of recent items stored on slow remote file servers. 2ff7e9595c