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Cbr 1000 For Sale In Cincinnati Ohio: Browse New and Used Honda Motorcycles


F r 1c 1cII 2 THE THEW WASHnrGTOjr t ASHING ASHINGTO 01i HERALD HERALDk SUNDAY STIITE TUNE26 UNE 26 1910 910 JWANT AD BRANCHES BRANCHESOFOF OFTHE OFTHE ri riTHETHE WASHINGTON V HERALD HERALDWant HERALDWantWant Want Ads for The Washington Washlll ton Herald Heraldmay Heraldmay Heraldmaymay be left at tho main office lit 4 Fit Fifteenth Pttteenth Fitteenthteenth street northwest or at any of the thefollowing thefotlowlng thefollowingfollowing branches or may be telephoned telephoneddirect telephoneddlreot telephoneddirectdirect to the main office and bill will be becent belent besentcent for the amount due dueRATES dueRATES dueRATESRATES RATESOne RATESOne RATESOneOne Cent a Word V ord for Each Insertion InsertionMinimum Insertionlklfn1mum InsertionMInimumMinimum charge lOc per day dayThere dayTllere dayThereThere Is no extra charge for ads tele telephoned telephoned telephoned phoned Those rho e left at branches are also alsoat alsoat alsoatat the same rate but must be paid in ad advance advance adBRANCH vance vanceHERALD vanceHERALDHERALD BRANCH OFFICES OFFICESNORTHWEST OFFICESNORTHWEST OFFICESNOTRWE8TNORTHWEST NORTHWESTWOODWARD NORTHWESTWOODWARD NOTRWE8TWOODWARDWOODWARD Bureau BureauGOLDENBERGS BurenuGOLDENBERGS GOLDENBERGS G NBEflGS Information Bureau BureauHECHT BureauHECHT BureauHECHTHECHT CO Cashlers Office OfficePALAIS OfficePALAIS OfficePALAISPALAIS ROYAL Information Bureau BureauSS KANN SONS CO Information Bu Bureau BuTerWILLBOURN BuTAWILLBOURN reau reauTT TerWILLBOURN TAWILLBOURN A WILLBOURN 1214 Wisconsin ave aveMODERN aveMODERN ayeMODERNMODERN PHARMACY 7th and E ate stsCARPENTER a18CARPENTER ateCARPENTERCARPENTER DUNLOP D NLOP 14th and Gir Glrard Girard GirNICHOLSard sts stsNICHOLAS stsNICHOLSNICHOLS PHARMACY 19th and Pa av avBUTLER avBUTLER v vBUTLERBUTLER FIELD 3d and Indiana ave aveCONCORD aveCONCORD ayeCONCORDCONCORD PHARMACY PHAlU ACY J E Woodtord WoodfordCHARLES WoodtordProPt WoodtordPropProPt Prop 1516 1516 New Hampsnlre ave aveCHARJS 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179i3iALOSTA i3iA DIAMOND DIAMOND STICKPIN KNOT KNOTshaped KNOTshaped KNOTshapedshaped Return to 1M Center Market Marketand Marketand Marketandand receive reward 178 178onyx 178LOSTLot LOST AN OLDFASRIONED RED REDonyx RBDonyxonyx brooch br OCh in a Berry Whltmoresbox In Woodward Lotbrops or fromF st car on Wednesday afternoon the the23d tbe2id the23d23d of June Liberal reward Address Addre Addressi s1782 17 i Corcoran st 177 177PEBSONAL3 171PERSONALn lflPERSONALf3PEBSONAL3 PEBSONAL3WORK3NGA PERSONALnWORKL PERSONALf3WORKINGMENSINCEWORK3NGA WORKL WORKINGMENSINCE GMENSINCE ENSINCE THE DAYS OF OFAdam OFAdam OFAdamAdam men have been looking for a abargain abarpln abargainbargain in tailored slightly us used d suits suitsSay suitsSa suiteSaySay Sa boWs how this th1IJ1 3 to Sli 15 See us One Oneprice Oneprloe Onepriceprice only JUSTHS JU9THS JTJ THS OLD STAND 61D 61DD 619D 6iDDD nwARE YOU IN DOUBT DOUBTBRADFORDS DOUBTBRADFORDS DOUBTflRADFORDSBRADFORDS DETECTIVE AGENCY AGENCYSUITE AGENCYSUITE 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attention 158eod 158eodSIGNORA lAeodSIGXORA IZeodSIGNORASIGNORA ANNINA ANDRINI ANDRININatural AltnRISINatural ANDRININaturalNatural clairvoyant spiritual adviser adviserand adviserand adviserandand interpreter of dreams Phone Lin Lincoln Lincoln Lincoin coln 2969 Office 117 7th st st ne Wash Washington WashIngton Washington ington D C The greatest work one onecan onecan onecancan do for another Is to help one to helphims himself lf Perfect health healthhow how to get it itand Jtand Itandand how to keep It It Write to or call and andtest andtest andtesttest this wonderful manipulator of soul soulwer soulpower soulpowerpower > wer using no aid no device but the theIgher theHlgb theHigherHlgb Higher Igher r Intelligence to make you ac acquainted acquainted acqualnted quainted with yourself Just as you are as asto asto astoto character life and health Business Businesschances BusinesschancH Businesschanceschances a specialty Thirtythird degreeEuropena mystic adept 149suntf 149suntfMISS lwsuntfMISS 146suntfMISSMISS T THO H O M o P S SONMANICURING O N MANICURINGHours 10 to 6 t Phone TOOS Main OpenSunday 521 2t 11th st nw 173 173MISS 178MISS 173MISSMISS MORRIb MORRIbManicuring MORRI5Manicuring MORRthManicuringManicuring and shampooing 9 a m toe Ii p m 12TO Eye st st nw Phone MainO Open O n Sundays 163tf 163tfBBSSIE liBtfBBSSIE 153tiBSSIEBBSSIE MAE BROOKS MANICURING MANICURINGshampoolner MANICURINGamPOOln MANICURINGsitnDooineshampoolner amPOOln and facial massage ma3 Bge Hours HoUl10 to 8 72S 72 llth Ut at 8t nw mdtf mdtfSCIENTIFIC 171dttSCIBNTIFIC lTldtfSCIENTIFICSCIENTIFIC ELECTRIC MASSAGEMagnetic MR eUc Treatment Tr tment Manicuring178 SIS H st nw top floor floorSIGNORA fioorSIGliORA floorSIGNORASIGNORA ANNINA ANNI A ANDRINI FAZZI FAZZIPHONE FAZZIPHONE FAZZIPHONEPHONE 9096 LINCOLNShampooing Wednesday and Saturday4 tc 10 p m Combings and old switches switchesmade switchesmade swItchesmademade Into the latest style braids or putts puttsthrough puttsthrou puffsthroughthrough throu h connection with the leading leadin leadindeakrsdtfcr IfrI and in a position to furnish furnisheverything Curnlshever1thlng furnisheverythingeverything up to date and match nil nilshades allshdf9shades of hair Wigs made to orderEAST CAPITOL HAIRDRESSING PAR P AR ILORS cor 4th and East Capitol sts sts196tf1tt 196tfMISS 1ttUSS 1ttMISSMISS USS CAULFIELD MANICURING MANICURINGshampooing MANICURINGIshampooingshampooing 29 2 Grant plate pli ce near 10thHours 10 to 8 Open Sunday IKtf IKtfHIGHEST 125ttHIGHEST 125tiHIGHESTHIGHEST CASH PRICES PRICESPAID PAID FOR FORworn FORworn FORwornworn clothing ol thlng either ladles or gents gentssend gentsend gentssendsend postal will call L TARSHES 1303 13037th 13097th 13037th7th st st nw Phone North 4S9 190tf 190tfLAOTDBY 190ttLA1JNDRY 190LiLA1mDItYLAOTDBY LAOTDBYSHIRTS LA1JNDRYSHIRTS LA1mDItYSHIRTSSHIRTS lOc COLLARS l lc 1cwhen c cwhenwhen left at office office2c officec I2c c when delivered delivered3IBTROPOLITAN deUvoredIETROPOLITAN deliveredIIBPJtOPOLITAN3IBTROPOLITAN LAUNDRY LAUNDRYS10S10 10 9th st 8t nw nwWOMENS nwus nwWOMENSusWOMENS WANTS WANTSUPHOLSTERING WANTSUPHOLSTERING WANTSUPHOLSTERINGUPHOLSTERING CABINETMAKING CABINETMAKINGMATTRBSS CABINETMAKINGMA CABINETMAKINGMATTRESSMATTRESS MA TTR1SS MAKING REFINISHING RBFINISKINGAND RBFINISHINGAND REFINISHINGANDAND REPAIRING REPAIRINGSLIP REPAIRINGSLIP REPAIRINGSLIPSLIP COVERS COVERSWALL COVERSWALL COVERSWALLWALL PAPERING PAPERINGG PAPSRINGGet PAP1tINGGetG Get t Our BsifrattA BsifrattANo htflMtNo Job too large l Iarg rSe or toosmtiH toobsmiiAll work called VHT Zsr sad u delivered dHvaradJEAN deliveredJEAN JEAN JEA AHRANOS AHRANOStt AnRA AHRANOS12t1 QS QSaatt aa 1kh th st nwPhene N JS23 3S23PALMISTRY 3123PALMTSTRY v vPALMISTRYPALMISTRY PALMISTRYainsMRS R IUSBY IUSBYLanguage LUSBYLan LUSDYLe2guageLanguage Lan ge of the hand and cards cu a gys y Iteraadcalfy read fe tee moderate positively positivelyJDOGShldf Ismes onlYi11 only 11 a m to t p m ClosedSundays r3JJ 3 N Y ave W lDi lDiJOGS 1116OGSJOGS OGS CATS BIRDS BIRDSSINGING c clNGING cISINGING lNGING I N G fN CANARIES CAN lUES PARROTS PARBOTSDogs PARROTSDogsCat PAItBOTSDogsDogs DogsCat Cats Goldttshe Robbits GuineaPigs PJ and Chickens nlckUl8 7CAMIDS C CijMID ltIIDS BIRD BIRDETURE BIRDSTORE BIRDgTOItESTORE 712 l1 12th st nw nWffAGENTS WANTED WANTEDCHANCE WANTEDCHANCE WANTEDCHANCECHANCE TO MAKE MONEY FOR FORmailorder FORm FORmallordermailorder m llorder man family necessity withvery withvery with withveryvery large profits a w summer seller we W6furniSh wefurnish i ifurnishfurnish cartons for mailing also adver adverUsing adverUlnr advertisingUsing free in big Sunday Sunda dailies dont dontmiss dontmiss dontmissmiss this chance THE F H ALDEN ALDENCO ALDENCO ALDENCOCO Advertising Advertlsln Agents 519 51 Main st st stCincinnati StCincinnati i iCincinnatiCincinnati Ohio OhioHELP OhioHELP OhioHELPHELP WANTED W ANTEDMALE ANTEDMALEA MALT MALTAi A FIRSTCLASS BUSHELMAN B SHELMAN FRONT FRONTstore FRONTstore FRONTstorestore light to work by b M F SELTZ SELTZ13S21382 F st nw nwLINOTYPE nwLINOTYPE nwLINOTPELINOTYPE OPERATORS EARN FROM1800 1 to 52000 200 a year YOU can mae master maatar maeter ter this trade at moderate cost EM EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE PIRE SCHOOL 419 1st ave New York YorkTWO YorkTWO YorkWoTWO Wo TRAVELING SALESMEN WANT WANTed WANTed V A T Teded to calL on country trade In Mary Maryland MaryJand Maryland land Virginia and District of Columbia Columbia1i150 1i monthly and expenses e pemles LOS AN ANGELES ANGELES ANGELES GELES CIDER CO Atlanta Ga GaWANTED GaWANTED GaWANTEDWANTED PHOTOGRAPHER AT ATderstands ATChesapeake ATChesapeakeChesapeake Beach who thoroughly un understands understandsderstands post card photographing Ap Apply Apply Apuly ply J M FREEDLEY Chesapeake ChesapeakeBench Ch Chesapeakel3ench ap e eBenchBench Md 171 177WANTEDEXPERIENCED 171WANTEDEXPERIENCED 171WANTEDEXPERIENCEDWANTEDEXPERIENCED WANTEDEXPERIENCED MATTRESS MATTRESSmakers MATTRESSmakers MATTRESSmakersmakers steady employment GEO L LSELDNEfR LSELDNER LSEIJDNRSELDNEfR SEIJDNR CO CO1 lOG N Frederick at 5t Bal Baltimore Baltimore Baltimore timore Md 179 179WANTEDTEAMS 179WAJ 179WANTEDTEAMSWANTEDTEAMS WAJ TEDTEAMS AND LABORERS LABORERSBURR LABORERSBURR LABORERSBURRBURR BROS 15th and H sts nw 177 177WANTEDSECOND 177WANTEDSECOND 177WANTEDSECONDWANTEDSECOND OR THIRD CLASS CLASSengineer CLASSengineer CLASSengineerengineer colored to run hydraulic ele elevator eleator olevator vator ator and dynamo HOTEL JOHNSON JOHNSONITl177 177AN ITlAN 177ANAN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY MAYearn MAYearn MAYearnearn 100 monthly corresponding c for fornewspapers tornewspaper9 fornewspapersnewspapers no canvassing send for par particulars prtlcula particuiars ticulars tlcula PRESS SYNDICATE Lockport LockportNN Y 210 210HELP 210HELP 210HELPHELP WANTED W WANTEDFIEMAT WANTEDFIEMATWANTED ANTEDFEM FEMALE A TF TFWANTEDWANTED MIDDLEAGED WOMAN WOMANmothers WOMANmothers WOMANmothersmothers helper helPert one child good home hometo hometoto rl ri5ht ht party all 9 a m to 1 p 111t in416 Kentucky K ntucky ave se seWANTEDIN 11i 11iWANTEDIN 17 17WANTEDINWANTEDIN PRIVATE FAMILY EX EXperlenced EXperienced EXperlencedperlenced woman for cooking washing washingand washingand washingandand Ironing must be firstclass cook cookApply cookApply cookApplyApply 1421 Belmont st st after 7 oclock oclockevenings oclockevenings oclockeveningsevenings 177 177AN 171AN 177ANAN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY MAYearn MAYearn MAYearnearn 100 monthly corresponding fornewspapers for fornewspapers fornewspapersnewspapers no canvassing canassl9g send for par particulars partlculars particulars ticulars PRESS Ptd PkESS SS SYNDICATE Lockport LockportNN No Y 210 210MALE 210MALE 210htALEMALE FEMALE MALE HELP WANTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALEMALE COOK COLORED FOR MAINE MAINEChambermaid 1tIAINEChambermaid 1IAINEChambermaidChambermaid waitress colored for forPennsylvania forPennsylvania forPennsylvaniaPennsylvania Call 10 a m today or orearly 01 01oarly orearlyearly Monday THE EUREKA 1011 New NewYork NewYork NOWYorkYork ave aveSITUATIONS aveSITUATIONS aveSITUATIONSSITUATIONS WANTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALECOLLEGE WANTEDMALECOLLEGE MAT MATCOLLEGECOLLEGE GRADUATE SINGLE 22 22years 22years 2 2yearsyears old seeks position as teacher in inprivate Inprivate iniwivateprivate school or family famtlr A No 1 record recordand recordaDd recordandand references BOX 38 OHt S Herald office officeFOR officeFOR officeFORFOR SALE SALEMISCELLANEOUS SALEMISCELLANEOUSDRY MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSDRYDRY GOODS NOTIONS AND CON CONfactlonery CONfectionery CONfeetloneryfactlonery store with living rooms roomsabove roomsabove roomsaboveabove fine location northwest no com competition comIKtltJon campetttlon petition going South Address BOX 90 90Herald tDH 9 9HeraldHerald H TaJd office officeCAMPING 179 179CAMPING 179CAMPINGCAMPING OUTFIT AT COLONIAL COLONIALBeach COLONIALBeach COLONIALBeachBeach For dates address W P PGOCHENOUR PGOCHENOUR PGOCIJENOURGOCHENOUR Station K D C 177179 177179MULLINS 171179MULLINS 177176MULLINSMULLINS AUTO SPEED SP SPED ED BOAT FOR FORsale FORsale FORsalesale cheap 22 2 ft 3cyltnder I cylinder 17 17Y H P15 miles an hour awning cushions mag magnate magneto magnato nato and all accessories in Al condition conditionYours condltonYours conditonYoursYours for 460 iO Address CARL E COX COXSK COxSOB COXsoSK so Main st 8t Fredericksburg VaT V Vii 178 178HUGO 178HUGO 178JIUCOHUGO WORCIPS PIANOS PIANOSare PIANOSare PIANOSareare successful beyond measure measureall measureall measureallall because of their Incomparable Incomparablequality Incomp incomparablequality rahle rahlequalityquality Note the bargains that thatare thatare thatareare being offered you in order that thatwe tkatwe thatwewe may reduce our stock Those ThosePianog T1MHPlanea ThaPIanoSPIanoS are as good as new Why Whyput Whyputitori Vltyputput putitori it off ortSOO800 00 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aveDOCTORDOCTOR GARDNER Specialist1301 G st st nw Jordan BuildingHours 9 until 12 3 until 6 6Catarrh 6Catarrh 6CatarrhCatarrh chronic and offensive die discharges dlscharges diecharges charges from the nose and throat curedby b a new method methodCONSULTATIONS methodCONSULTATIONS methodCONSULTATIONSCONSULTATIONS FREE FREE1266mo FREE1I FREE126Gino1266mo 1I GmoDR REED REEDSpecialist REEDSpeclaUst REEDSpecialistSpecialist rot 04 17th st st27 7 years successful practice In diseases diseasesofof the Brain and Nervous System S stem SkinBlood Heart Stomach Liver KidneysBladder Nose Throat and Lungs Stric Stricture Stricture Stricture ture Varlcocele and Hydrocele curedNo pain No loss of time Blood Dis Diseases Diseases Dieeases eases and Disorders of the Urinary or organs organs organs gans promptly relieved and permanentlycured by safe methods Charges low lowFree consultation in person or by letterHours 16 to 1 and 3 to 6 Sundays 10 to 1 1166mo165Cmo 165CmoLOCOMOTOR 166moLOCOMOTOR 166SmoLOCOMOTORLOCOMOTOR ATAXIA ATA A PARALYSISBrlshfa Disease Rheumatism can be becured b bcured bcuredcured I will tell you how Pamphlets Pamphletsmailed Pamphletsmailed Pamphletsmailedmailed free freePROF freePROF freePROFPROF H N D PARKER1022 9th st nw Washington D CIfiatf IfiatfDR 155tDR 165tiDRDR FISK ELGIN EXPERT IN TREAT TREATment TREATment TREArmeatment of special diseases chronic and andacute andacute andacuteacute Both sexes Consultations confi dential Medicine furnished Prices mod moderate moderate modcrate erate Cor 14th and Pa ave nw PhoneM 7647 Office hours 0 to 1 3 to 8 81266mo1266mo 1266moMONEY 12fiBmoM01IEY 125Smo91EYMONEY 91EY WANTED WANT D AND TO LOAN LOANMONEY LOANMONEY LOANMONEYMONEY TO LOAN LET US MAKE MAKEyour MAKEyour MAKEyouryour new loans or replace old ones atlowest JoVe t rates of Interest All transactions transactionsconducted transactionsconductod transactionsconductedconducted with economical considerationfor borrowers WM H SAUNDERSCO HOi F st st nw ss ssMONEY Stf StfMONFY stiMONEYMONEY TO LOAN L AN ON D C C REAL REALments REALestateLowest REALestateLowestestateLowest rates ot In interest est Payments on principal in amounts of 100 or ormore ormore ormoremore received at any Interest periodTHE F H SMITH CO Bond Building BuildingI4 N Y ave 21tf 21tfMONEY 2lttMONEY 21tiMONEYMONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVEDcity tty real estate e ta e at lowest current rates ratesof ratesoof o fnt9e interest t special s lal privileges with Ith respectto prior payments TYLER RUTHERFORD Inc 7 iIO > lith st st nw 63tf 63tfHUNTING 63UPRll1rNG 63iPIUNTINGHUNTING AND ENGRAVING ENGRAVINGDistinctive ENGRAVINGDistinctive ENGRAVrnGDistinctiveDistinctive Printing for forPcopl forPeople forPeoplePeople of Discriminat Discriminating Discrimipsting DiscriinipatingTaste ing ingTaste ingTasteTHE Taste TasteTHE TasteTHETHE CRANE PRINTING CO COPRINTERS COPRINTERS COPRINTERSPRINTERS PRINTERSENGRAVERS PRINTERSENGRAVERS PRINTERSENGRAVERSENGRAVERS ENGRAVERS7IQ7IQ Thirteenth St StTelephone gtTelephone thTelephoneTelephone M 498III IFORFURNISHED PUBiISHED ROOMS EOOMSFOR ROOMSFOBFOR RENT V ER Y DESIRABLE DESIRABLEsecondstory DESIRABLEsecondstory DESIRABLEsecondstorysecondstory front room convenient tocars to tocars tocarscars and the government departments departmentsApply departmentsApply departmentsPpIyApply PpIy M 6 I st st nw nw101120TH101120TH 1011 2dTH NW NWENTIRE ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR FLOORand FLOORand FLOORandand part of second modern moderncolven1 moderncolven1ences convent convenlenceti conventencesences 1741761771103 VERMONT VERMONTAVEN1CELiY AVEN1CELY FUR FURnished FURnished 1 1nlshednished room private bath and private privateentrance privateentrance privateentranceentrance third floor 1 178 GO 81 10 6TH ST NEVERY NE VERY HANDSOME HANDSOMEtwotwo three and four room flats fur furnished furntshed furfished fished in the best style everything new newelegant newelegant newelegantelegant gas range beautiful brass bed bedlar bedlare jlarge lar e closets and porcelain bath SI750 SI750m50 1760 176022oO li50andm50 22oO and 25 172tt 172tfCAPITOL 172ttCAPITOL 172ttCAPITOLCAPITOL HOTEL 3D AND PA P A AVE AVEnw AVEnwRooms AVEnwRoomsnw nwRooms Rooms 25c 60c and 75c per day dayspecial dayspecIal dayspecialspecial rates by the week 376mo 376moUNFURNISHED 316moUNFURNISHED 37SmoIINFURNISHEDUNFURNISHED144 C NE NETHREE THREE ROOMS PORCH PORCHsink PORCHsink PORCHsinksink with gas Included 510 510BOOMS 10 10EOOMS 10ROOMSROOMS AND BOARD BOARDTHE BOARDTHE BOARDTHETHE RICARDO 1619 17TH > ST NW NWChoice NWChoice NWChoiceChoice rooms and board at reasonable reasonablerates reasonablerates reasonableratesrates permanent and transient guests gueststaken gueststaken gueststakentaken transients 150 to 2 per r day178 178WANTED 17 17WANTEDROOMS 173WANTEDROOMSWANTED WANTEDROOMS ROOMS AND BOABD BOABDYOUNG JJOAItDYOUNG BOAiThYOUNGYOUNG MAN 22 YEARS WELL EDU EDUcated EDUcated EDUcatedcated single would like board and androom androom androomroom In private family no objection to tochildren tochildren tochtldrenchildren will furnish excellent refer references references references ences state particulars as to terms c cBOX cBOX cBOXBOX 96 Herald office officeAUTOMOBILES officeAUTOMOBILES officeAUTOMOBILESAUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILESSECOND AUTOMOBILESSECOND AUTOMOBILESSECONDSECOND WEEK VEEIi OF THE DIG MID MIDSUMMER lumSUUUER lID lIDSUMMER SUMMER SALE OF HIGHGRADE HIGHGRADEAUTOMOBILES I1IGIIGRADEAUTOIOBILES 111011GRADEAUTOMOBILESAUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILESWeWe arc offering oaerl this week airy auto on our r floor flooroverhauled ftoohlr ftoohlrat flooratat bfs reduction Oars that hare b been n thoroug thoroughlY thoroughlYoterhauled 1 1OTemaaledoverhauled and guaranteed to be just as we repre represent roprcImt reproint sent then thentorts tke1910 IIlIpmobile used about ODe lIMHItb top lamps lampstools lanipstoolsleft left town ii iireason breason hiesmtools c c good as new w owrwc hatingreason for rating ratingB elling1MOB 1MO to Ford F nl Tomlwt top speedomctCT wted6hield wted6hieldmirror wind shIeld fihieldmirror shIeldmirrormirror laMpS toate ie c e like DeW bur b bargain to toquick toquick toquickquick buyer buyerW09 bu1erlOO9W09 Baby Buick top lamps tools magneto magnetoa c cII caa II snap snapyes1008 model 0 Franklin Tourinc Car detachable ton tonneau tonncau tonneauneau slip lip corer spcedwaetar Il etcr tap 15 1 leaps P I tools tool toolti toolstiresSTO ti tires lik like new driVeo drives 4000 Hillw cost COStUO0 2000 XX equipped equippedatat a sacrifice3 2036 > W5 3 H P foarcyHiHkr OldsraoWte O Touring Car Cartop Onto Oartoptop to lamj lamps took tookeot cast 5000 3O only JSM JSMFour SOO StOFour SOOFourFour Ramblers With ith tA taps t lamps a c all in good goodcondition goodcoOO1t1o goodcondttIcondttI condition two and four I1I11amPS erltodera er bMIeS J2S Si 9 up upFour upFool upFourFour Ford Huaelxwts U ezcoileat scolle ceIleist t shape and andequipped andett andea1equipped ett ea1 at IJWd from P6 308 up upMaxwell up1faxwell upMaxwellMaxwell Runabout Runab with top lamps tools too good goodcoodWoa iOOdcoodit1on goodcooditioncoodWoa cost fl00 1000 salT ooJr 350 01808 19 S9I 5011 11 P foarcyttndtr PpeTelede Seren Serenpswengw SerenpIHDgtr SerenpAssengerpAssenger Touring Car er with ilIp cetera top majf majfMto ma mato niasatesate to cost oo t 1590 only OOBee 800 800BB Bee o Runabout with top lamps c c eniy enl11OOi enlybar 251 bar W Etaaort Xha re Tanring Car AtwaterKent ignition ignitionbke ignitionHke ignitionIiebke new only G9Q G9QAutocar 5O 5OAutocar I IAltocarAutocar nuaabout CadiUec Tewing T 1t Car White AVaiteSt WhiteStHlHl WhiteSteamerSteamer St m r Runabout and Dd Jewel RtmaboHt R aoot all in I GOOd eoaAshape GOOdabllve goodshipsshape from 125 up Many etbara too Bwaenxu to tomHition toi toWei mHition mHitionWe JDeII D DII We are still ctatag d IhIg out our entire tke stock of sun sundries sundriee sundrlsedries neardteu of east Below are a II few of our ourspedahk ourtpedaIt1 ourspeeMitleaspedahk spedahkMaster tpedaIt1CIIer speeMitleaMeeterMaster CIIer S Sidtflze Sfi W1re flie Spark Ptegs rrsatar rt t r ratee 150 150and 150aad 150andand J800 tW oro only 001 OGc OGcRajafc mcRaj 4cItlinkRajafc Raj Spark lines 1 regular Tales UO sad CtO CtOonly 00 t0mlyonly 0111 8c 8cAborted leeAOrleci ISoAssertedAborted Spark PhI P all make dcc dccLhaea So SoL4n ISoLinassL4n Lhaea n DnMort Dut4 rtdnced free 3kW 50 te SOc c Sizes SizesMto SuesXMto X to 3 3O 31 31Gilbert 35GilbertGilbert Tire Ottens seca r reevMr 300 BOW w roc rocSCGngt SOcSteeageSCGngt lkUAIIiN zsalar IS MW a Sfoo SfooTwe 10 10TweetkthTwe Tweetkth tleth ientery e IN Lp Lampe 503 0 pk pkGIUL peSo peSoiO GIUL GIULl p ntonL WW WWSonarsSonars = l Off O i Dtih DII Lamps tS 11 R Her 15w ir LauB 115 1153ae lISSa3ae J Sa i SUI LIS AU kIe k4wfe o of Pollih P lJIJU5 lJIJU5J at 16 > per porBallon pergallon0 Su Jgallon gl and many ani other c banatoc banatocLaroo beeialnnLarreLaroo r atoek I Mo of o bmnd bn new 8 seoa matin in i TiresS8x3 TiresS8x3Mty TfU JMty ML75 Mx3K x3 WuTS ISTh 7 XxM 3 r3l H 115 I5 9ir4 52500 52500S o omoad W WSomdbaedmornhte mornhteR03IAN moad S Somdbaed 0o i ROMAN AUTOMOBILE AUTO lnILE COMPANY COMPANYMM CO IPXY IPXYDMM D H K l nw B VaJasW Wa D a aBranch 0 0 0BaauckBranch B ol o o PkOiieipkia P Pa PaAIFTO P PAUO PaAUTOAUTO AUO LAMP LJIP OUT OU OF ORDER ORDERIBring 1 1Bring rBringBring it I to ua Ul We will wi put It Itin I ItInin ooet 00t oGet Al condition Cndlton at a 8 very voy small smallooet sl smalloGet1 MOORE CO 00Joh36 = John Joh Marshall IasU Place PlacePh PkaePMn PlacePhenaPh PMn ne Main 4W7 4W7CLOSING 411 411COSIG 447CLOSINGCLOSING COSIG OUT OUR ENTIRE E IRE SUNDRY SUNDRYSTOCK SUNDRYSTOCK ISTOCK SOCK AT ATCOS ATCOST ATCOSTWe COST COSTW IW We carry crry the finest ln8t assortment atent of cars carsto carsto Ito bo b had All makes make and an all styles stylesFrom stylesFrom stylesFromFrom 800 to JtCOfl JtCOflROMAN 32600ROMAN 0ROMAN AUTOMOBILE AUTOIIDILE COMPANY COMPANY135tf COIPA1 COMIitJtY1tf135tf 17tt ia H at et t nw nwWASHINGTON n1 n1ASII nwWAShINGTONWASHINGTON ASII GON CAR CARGUARANTEED CARGUAR CLRGUARANTEEDGUARANTEED GUAR TEED FOR FIVE YEARS YEARSPrice YEARSPrJe YEARSPricePrice PrJe Includes Inclue full tul equipment equipmentSee euipent euipentSee equipmentSeeSee Cat CatCARTER Catalogue CatalogueCARTERCate CateGARTERCARTER MOTOR CAR CORP CORPi CORPMunseyi Munsey Bid Bldg Factory Fatory Hyatbsvllle Hy svUe Md Mdl1tt Md172tf I IIKtf IIKtf IKtfFOR l1tt l1ttFOR 172tfFORFOR SALE TWOCYLINDER TWOCLDER RUN RUNabout RU RUNaboutabout aut with wih ton top good lod condition cnditon Price PriceESQESQ 110 5 Room Rom 10 CT5 G 14th 1th st at nw 177 177FOR 117FORFOR SALESTEARNS SALESTEARNS TOURING CAR60 5 horsepower horsepwer fully fuly equipped euiPped and In Inexcellent Inexcelent inexcellentexcellent excelent condition conditionCARTER conditon conditonCARTR conditionCARTERCARTER CARTERMOTOR CARTR CARTRJITOR CARTERMOTORMOTOR JITOR CAR CORPORATION CORPORATION185tf CORPORTIOY CORPORTIOY1it CORPORATION1tf185tf 1it Munsey Building BuildingLET BuldlnS BuildingLETLET US DO ITWE CAN PUT YOUR YOURauto YOURauto YOURautoauto lamp and radiators rdiators into proper propercondition propercndion properconditioncondition cndion at small smal cost prompt work worksatisfaction worksatsfaction worksatisfactionsatisfaction satsfaction guaranteed MOORE CO306 3 John Marshall Marshal pi pI Phone 4347 47 162tf 162tfCOLUMBIA lStt lSttCOLUMBIA 162tfCOLUMBIACOLUMBIA ELECTRIC ELECRIC IN I GOOD GOODcondition GOODcondIton GOODconditionoutfit outfit condition condIton complete with wih recharging rechargingoutfit rechargingoutfit rechargingoutfitCARTER CARTERMOTOR CARTERlUOTOR CARTERMOTORMOTOR CAR CORPORATION CORPORATION14Stf CORPORTON CORPORTONHitt CORPORATION143tf14Stf Hitt Munsey Building BuildingFOR Buiding BuidingFOR BuildingFORFOR SALS SAEMODEL SALEMODEL MODEL K WAYNE WAYE FOUR FOURcylinder FOU FOURcylindercylinder 6passenger 6psenger Touring Car fully fullyequipped tuUyequjp fullyequippedequipped equjp and in good ood condition conditionCARTER conditon conditonCARTER conditionCARTERCARTER CARTERMOTOR CARTERlUOrR CARTERMOTORMOTOR lUOrR CAR CORPORATION CORPORATION125tf CO CORPORATION125tf RPo RTIOl125tf 125tfFOR 12tf 12tfFOR 125tfFORFOR SALE SALETWOP SALETWOPASSENGER TWOPASSENGER ASSENGEP LOCO LOCOmoblle LOCOmobie LOCOmobileand mobile mobie new steamer tires In excellent ecelent condition conditionand condtion condtionand conditionandCARTER CARTERBIOTOR ClUtTERlUOTOR LRTERMOTORMOTOR CAR CORPORATION CORPORATION132tf CORPORTION CORPORTION13tt CORPORATION132ti132tf 13tt Munsey BuIlding BulldlneHORSES Buiding BuidingHORSES BuIldingHORSESHORSES AND A VEHICLES VEHICLESSPECIAL VRCLS VRCLSSPECIL VEEICLESSPECIALSPECIAL SPECIL SALE SALEHORSES SA SAHORSES SALEHORSISHORSES CARRIAGES CARRAGES HARNESS HARESS C CWM c cAT cATAT ATWM ATWMWM F DOWNErS STABLESSTALE1128 to 1623 16 L st 5t nw nwWashington nwWa nwWashingtonWashington Wa hlngon D C CMONDAY CMONDAY CMONDAYMONDAY JUNE 27 Z 7 AT 1030 103 A M MForty MForty MFortyForty head of Ssned seasoned and wellbroken wellbrokenhorses welbroken welbrokenhorses wellbrokenhorseshorses suitable suitle for fo carriage and general generalbusiness genera generalbusinessbusiness and saddle sddle work workOne workOne workOneOne hundred hundre carriages cariases consisting consistng of oflandaus otlandaus oflandauslandaus broughams brou hams victorias opera operabusaefc oper operbust operabussebusaefc bust park prk brakes brake 4 6 8 8 and 10 pas PES PESsenger passonger 1 1sengersenger busses busss and wagonettes wagonette runabouts runaboutsbuggies rnabouts rnaboutsbuggies runaboutsbuggiesbuggies carts cart c cFifty c cFiftyFifty Fify sets et of coach brougham and andlightweight andlghtweight andlightweightlightweight lghtweight harness hareS several severl English Englishsaddles Englsh Englsh8ddles Englishsaddlessaddles 8ddles and ad bridles brldl S 3 side saddles saddlesOne saddle saddlesOneOne hundred suits suit summer and winter winterweight winterweight winterweightweight liveries Jvores light Jght and heavy robes robesand robesand robesandand a lare assortment asortment of horse goods goodsMany goodsMany goodsManyMany of or the turnouts turnout have been ben con consigned consiged consighed signed siged by customers leaving leving Washington Washingtonand Washingtn Washingtnandand will wi be sold without wihout reserve reserveAlso reerve reserveAlsoAlso a a a large Jar9 stock atok of carriages crriaes and andhorees andhore andhorseshorses hore not mentioned menUonll aboveThis is an excellent eceIent aove opportunity for forpurchasing torpurhasing forpurchasingpurchasing purhasing nrstclasg lrstla horses hores carriages carriagesand carrIagesand carriagesandand harness hae at bargain bgin prices pricesMAGRATH prlc prlc1LGITI prIcesMAGRATUMAGRATH 1LGITI KENNELLY KENNELLYAUCTIONEERS I KENNELLYAUCTIOJERS E ELLY ELLYAUCTIOlERSAUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEERSSELLING AUCTIOlERS AUCTIOlERSSELLING AUCTIOJERSSELLINGSELLING OUT EXPRESS EXRESS AND D GRO GROcery GROcery GROcery icery wagons buggies bugle runabouts runabout sur surreys surreys stirreys reys Full teams furnished at wholesale wholesaleprices wh wholesaleprices JeQale JeQaleJrlcesprices Jrlces to retail retai buyers GANTZ GATZ 1203 1203D 10 1206DD st st nw 21tf 21tfPAPER 21tiPAPER2tf 2tfPAERPAPER PAER HANGING HANGINGIF HGIG HGIGIIF I YOU WANT WAT PAINTING PAINTIG DECORAT DECORATpert DECORATIng DECORATIngIng and PaprhanClng Paperhanaing done by an ex exP cxpertpert P t very reasonably reuonbly Address BOX 37 37Takoma 3 37TakomaTakoma TaJoma Park tf tfMEETINGS t ttSPIRITUALISM L LSPfITAISMSPfITAISM SPfITAISMfETINGS SPIRITUALISM SPIRITUALISMIEETINGSMEETINGS fETINGS MONDAY THURSDAY THURSDAYgg SP p hy m in dily dll dliread1ngs readings redtnss at home h mc of Mrs IJ J 193 B 1 MALffBY MA4JBY MAfiB 933 9 M st lt et nw N 3342 3U 1ratrFOR BENT RENAARTNT RENTAPARTMENTS RENTAPARTMENTSTHE APABTMENTS APABTMENTSTHETHE DAWSON APARTMENT AATMENT1741 S St St t nw nwFirst nwFrs nwFirstFirst Frs floor oor 171 front 3 rooms room and bath bathRent bat bathRentRent J23 2 23 a month monthFirst monthFirst monthFirstFirst floor foor rear 3 rooms and bath bathRent bnt bathBentRent Rent 20 0 a month monthAA C HOUGHTON 10UGITON d tt CO623 62 F st nw nwFURNISHED nwFUNISHED nwFURNISHEDFURNISHED FUNISHED APARTMENT APARTMENTOne AARTMENT AARTMENTOne APARTMENTOneOne 6room and bath apartment apartmentfurnished apartmentfurnished apartmentfurnishedfurnished furnishedUntil furnishedUntilUntil Unt September 15 15RENTV 1 15BENTRENTV RNT BENT 20 2 PER MONTH2 900 00 N st nw nwA nwAA C HOUGIITON I0UGUTON l1 CO CO623Fstnw623 62 623Fstnw 623FstnwKENT F st nw nwKENTKENT 115 16 N Car ave ge e 6 r b2550 b2550THE b bTHE b20THETHE BERKSHIRE BEnKSHRE 2 r b kitch 22501113 1 9th st ft at nw 3 r b 2250 2250312214th312214th 3122 14th st st St nw 5 r 1 b 2050 250340 3 0 C st st nw 3 r b 2000 2001419 U st st 4 r b 2500 20227 2 D st 81 at nw 3 r b 1500 1500KARIUCK 1500 1500I 1600KARRICKKARIUCK I ARnIGI METCALF 1320 NY Av Av171lS18177180183 177180183JOHN 171lS18 171lS18JOHN 177180132JOIINFJOHN JOIINF F DONOHOE DONOIOE A SONS214 84 Pennsylvania ave se seFOR seFOR seFORFOR RENTFLATS RENTFLATSWE RENTFLTS RENTFLTSWWE W HAVE HA V A NUMBER OF TWO 2 2STORY 2STORY 2STORYSTORY APARTMENTS AATMENTS WITH ALL ALLCONVENIENCES ALLCONVENIENCES ALLCONVENIENCESCONVENIENCES MODERATE RENT RENTALL RENTALL RENTALLALL NECESSARY NECESSAY REPAIRS MADE MADELET JLDE JLDELET 1LDELETLET US SEND YOU OUR COMPLETE COMPLETELIST COllPLETE COllPLETELIST COMPLETELiSTLIST OF HOUSES AND AD APARTMENTS APARTMENTSTHE APARTMENTSTIlE APARTMENTSTHETHE MEND 3IEltOT 3IEltOTOe MENDOTAOne OTA OTAOneOne Oe choice sevenroom apart apartment apartment apartment ment 70 OOTIETHE TIE ONTARIO ONTARIOExcellent ONTRIOExcelent ONTARIOExcellentExcellent Excelent 6room 6room apartment aprment t 65 65One 6 6OneOne of 3 rooms at J8S 13 and one of4 rooms at t 45 5 Good caf cafe service serviceFirepfoof service serviceF1reoofFirepfoof Flrepof building Spacious lawns lawnsBANKING lawns1IcLAOIIEY lawnsMcLACIILEN1IcLAOIIEY 1IcLAOIIEYDNKI McLACIILEN McLACIILENBANKINGDNKI BANKING G CORPORATION CORPORATION10th10th and G nw nwTHE nwInIn InTHE 177THETHE NORFOLK 2D AND D NESIX NESIXroom NESI NESIXroomroom apartment apartment rent J28 u 28 177 177ATTRACTIVE 177ATTRACTIVEATTRACTIVE 6ROOM APARTMENT APARTMENTatat THE NONQUITT 2814 2B llth 1th sU st st nw nwApply nwApply nwApplyApply Apt No 6 1St 1S4NEAR 1StNEA 1StNEARNEAR NEA U S CAPITOL AND CENSUS CENSUSOffice CENSUSOmceFlrststar CENSUSOfficeFirststoryOffice OmceFlrststar OfficeFirststory Firststory apt of 3 rooms roms sum summer summer sumicr mer kitchen porcelain bath bth No 234 4 C Cst C5t Catst 5t nw rent 2650 5 Apply at office en enIngs entrance entrancetrance at side slie between 9 and 1 12 morn mornIns morningsIngs Ins or phone Main RS7 1 ISO ISO5ROOM 1805ROOM5ROOM ROOl UNFURNISHED UNFURITSHED APARTMENT APARTMENTin AARTlfENT AARTlfENTInin the Cumberland Cumbrland overlooking oveloking Mass Massave Mas Masave Massayeave Apply Room 6 Evans Bldg BidS 163 lGtt lGttFUR 198ti 198tiFURNISHED tf tfII FURNISHED FUR SUED AND UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHEDJOH3 UNFURNISIBD UNFURNISIBDJOJ UNFURNISIIEDJO1IJOH3 JOJ JO1I F DONOHOE DONOIOE t SONS314 31 Pennsylvania ave 8Vo se seTHE seTHE ccTHETHE IRENE IRENE8th mEND8th IRENE8th8th and Virginia ave se Most JIost com complete complete cornplete plete and uptodate apartment in the thecity thecUy thecitycity containing contlnlns containin 4 or 5 rooms ros aprtment each ech Rent Rantfrom Rentfrom Rentfromfrom 26 2 to 35 per p month mnth Ready Red1 for foroccupancy forocupancy foroccupancyoccupancy ocupancy Reservations ROeryal now Being bolngmado beingmade Beingmademade mado Open Opn Sunday Sunda We Invite coranar coranarison com comrison r r180nison of these apartments aprtmet with v1t anythIngthat you OU have s se seen en Summer Summe rates rat8 con considered en enadered conaidered sidered adered and desirable dMrable tenants tennt will wl be begiven bebven begivengiven preference preferenceLot preference preferenceLetbven Lot Lt us u send you our complete cmplete list Ist juat juatcompleted juatcomplete justcompletedcompleted completedFOB complete completeFOR completedFORFOR BENT RENTTORS RENTTORSJO RENTSTORES RENTSTORESJOHN STORES STORESJOHNJOHN JO N F DONOHOE DO OIOE Jfc SONS SONSS14S14 31 Pennsylvania P nmsyhnla ave 8Vo se seGET se seGB seGETGET GB OUR OU LIST OF DESIRABLE DESIRABLESTORES DESIRALE DESIRALESORES DESIRABLESTORESSTORES STORESJQUy SORES SORESJI STORESjouzrJQUy JI F DONOHOE DO OIOE Jt t SONS SONSIH314 Pennsylvania Pennylvan ave av se seFOR HFOR soFORFOR RENT RENTHOUSE RENTHOUSES RENTHOUSESWE HOUSES HOUSESWEWE E HAVE HVE PROPERTIES PROPERTIE OF OFEVERY OFEVERY OFEVERYEVERY DESCRIPTION DESRIPION TO SUIT SUITANY SUT SUTANY SUiTANYANY PURPOSES HOUSBS HOUSBSAPARTJrENTS HOUSI HOUS3SAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTlrN STORKS SORKS STA STABLES STABLES 5ThBLES BLES WAREHOUSES W AtHOUSE GAR GARAGES GARAGES OARAGES AGES c c GET OUR COMPLETE COMPLETELIST COMPLEE COMPLEELIS COfPLETELISTLIST LIS AT OFFICE OFFICEFOB OFFICEFOR OFFICEPORFOB BENT RNTCKV ItENTCEEVY CHEVY CHASE CHASETWO CHSE CHSETO CHASETWOTWO TO FINE PLACES FOR SUM SUMmer SUMmer SUMmarmer one furnished furise and an one un unfurnished unfurnishe unfurnished furnished furnishe each eeh entlng contaning twelve twelverooms tweve tweverooms twelveroomsrooms one has tbra thi baths bathsKEYSMITH bt btKEY bathsKEYSMITHKEYSMITH KEY SITH AND LATHAM I TUAJI INC INCSecond ISOSecond INCSecondSecond Floor Flor Front Evans En Building Building1W1771S3 BulII g1W1771S3 1W1771S3FOB 171715 171715FOR 175117183FOBFOB BENT RENTtURBA RENTS1BURBAN RENTS1BURBANRENT SUBUBBA2T SUBUBBA2TRENTRENT MY NEW HOUSE IN I COUNTRY COUNTRYnear COUNTRYnea COUNTRYnearnear nea Ballston Balston Va rate very reason reasonable reasonable ver rn rnableable large yard shade and an porches porchesEAVR prche porchesEtEAVR Et R EWING EWINGBallston EVIXGBaUston EWINGBallstonBallston or Colorado Building BuildingSTOBAGE BundlngSTORGE BuildingSTORAGESTORAGE STOBAGEI STORGE STORGEIndetrucUble STORAGEIndeatructibleI Indestructible Storage 5toruJc 1OOO 1 Rooms RoomsInspect RoomInspct RoomsInspectInspect Inspct this warehouse and note the thecleanliness thocleanlncss thecleanlinesscleanliness cleanlncss and manner of storing furnl furnli furnlture furniturei ture Mothproof rooms roos for furs rugs rugsc rugscc c Silver Slver vafclt va lt carpet capet cleaning auto automobiles automobnes automobiles mobiles pianos padded vans vns for moving movingCOMPANYlowest prIces FIDELITY STOMG STOMGCOMPANY STORAGE STORAGECOMPANYCOMPANY 1420 12 U street 156 156INVENTOBS BSlENORS 16INVENTORSINVENTORS INVENTOBSWHILE lENORS lENORSWHILE INVENTORSWHILEWHILE EXCHANGING EXCHANGIG CONGRATU CONGRATUlatlons CONGRATUlatons CONGRATUlationslatlons latons on the new patent ptent law let In Inventors Inventors inventors ventors remember that our cooperative cooperativework cooporate cooporatework cooperativeworkwork has only onl commenced commence BROTHER BROTHERHOOD BROTHERHOOD BROTHERHOOD HOOD OF INVENTORS INE TORS 1408 14 i4 N Y ave avenw Rv awenwnw 72Sly 72SlyPATENT 7Sl 7SlPATNTPATENT PATNT ATTORNEYS ATTOBNEYSPATENTS ATTORlrYS ATTORlrYSPAT ATTORNEYSPATENTSPATENTS PAT E N T S WORTH FORTUNES FORTUNESWrite FORTES FORTESWrte FORTUNESWriteWrite Wrte R S c A A B B LACEY LACE Dept S SWashington S 8WashingtonWashington Washlngon D C c for information Intormaton es established establshe established tablished tablshe l lStJ ib ro 385S 385SE 3S 3SEE G SIGGERS SIGERS918 F st nw nwPatents nwPatent nwPatentsPatents Patent Trade Marks and Copyrights CopyrightsS65S Copyrights3SS65S S65SDAVID 3S 3SDAYID 5655DAVIDDAVID P MOORE PATENT EXPERT EXPERTWashington EXPERT1ashlngton EXPERTWashingtonWashington 1ashlngton Loan and Trust Building BuildingHUBERTS65S 26SHUBERT HUERT E PECK PECKPatents PECK PECKPatentsPatents and trademarks tademarks 6J9 F st at nw nw213S nw2S213S 2SJAMES L NORR1S NORR1SNorris NORRS NORRSNorrs NORSNorris2S 213Se Norris Norrs Bldg Bdg 5th c and F ate stsBACON st ate213SeBACON MILANS HLNS2135 903 90 G st nw McGlll lcG1 Bldg BldgBROCK BdgBROCK BEEKEN SMITH SMTH900 90 F st st et nw 213S 213SMYERS 235 235MYERS 2135MYERSMYERS CUSHMAN ERA REAMcGlll ERAMcGillREMcGlll McGi Bdg B dg 213S 213SWM 213SWM 2135WMWM WM G HENDERSON501 5 F st st nw 213S 213SHERE3RT 235 235HERERT 2135HERERTHERERT W T fro JENNER608 60 F st 8t nw 213S 213SH 23S 23SH 213SHH P DOOLITTLE DOOLITTLENational DOOLITTLENatonal DOOLITTLENationalNational Natonal Union Bldg 213S 213SHAVE 2S 2SH 2135HAVEHAVE H YE YOU AN IDEA7WRITE IDEA WRITE FOR FORour FORour FORourour books Why Patents Pay 100 100Mechanical 100Mechanical 100MechanicalMechanical Movements Perpetual Mo Motions Motons MotionsSO tions tons tionsSO 50 Illustrations Iustratlons Mailed Maled aiIed free freo F O ODIETRICH ODITRICH 0DIETrIICHDIETRICH DITRICH CO Patent Lawyers LawyersWashington Lwyer LawyersWashingtonWashington D C CMISS S SMISSOURI SISSOUIMISSOURI MISSOURIFOWLER MISS ISSOUI ISSOUIFOWLER OUR OURFOWLERFOWLER HUFFMAN112 13 N Fourth st st St St Louis Mo MoSoc3152t MoS015t MoSocSl52tSoc3152t Soc3152tARGENTINE S015t S015tAUGEXTINE SocSl52tARGENTINEARGENTINE REPUBLIC REPUBLICOBLIGADO REPU REPTIILICOBLIGADO LG LGOBLIGADOOBLIGADO CO 343 B MITRE MITREBuenos MITREBuenos MITREBuenosBuenos Aires South American pat patents patents pateats ents Cable Breton Acting Actng for pat patent vatent pateat ent SSC25C Sscc attorneys atoresexcuslvely atoresexcuslvelySscc exclusively exclusivelySSC25C exclusivelySse23cAUSTRALIA AUSTRALIALEADING AUSTRALIALEADIG AUSTRALIALEADINGLEADING LEADIG PATENT AND TRADE TRADEmark TRADEmark TRADEmarkmark attorney G G TURRI TRRI CO459 99 Collins colns st st StMQfltourne Melbourne Melbourne S317 S317ELZABURU S317PAI 5317PAINPAI PAIELZA PAIN PAINELZABUBUELZABURU ELZA URU HRANCISCOGENOVA BRANCSCOGENOV A 15 15Madrid IS 15MadridMadrid Cable address V1ZCARELZA V1ZCARELZAMadrid VIZCARELZAJadrd VXZCARELZAMadridMadrid Jadrd 2JS 283S SIFOR BENT RENTHOUSES RENTHOUSESNEW HOUSES HOUSESNEW 1NEW NVHOMES HOMES TENANTS FOR COLORED COLOREDTENANTS COLED COLOREDTENANTS i213 17th st st se I5 rooms and bath large rear rca yards 1560KARRICK 1550 1550KARRI 6 iKARRI KRRIOK KARRICK 177180183 117181 CK 131 11 3D ST NEFURNISHED HOUSE HOUSEsix HOUSEsix HOUSESixsix rooms for summer cheap chep 178 178FOR 178 178OR 17 17FORFOR OR RENT RENTJOHN REN RENJOHN RENrJOHNJOHN SCRIVENER 007 G at t mv I161 16 I st st ne 15 1 rooms bath bath3600 35W720 72 6th st St ne 10 rooms bath 3050 361202 120 S st st at nw 6 rooms bath 2500214 Ky ave se 6 rooms bath bat 2400 20j 323 32 M st s1 se 6 rooms roomS bath bath 1860 180 j1014 101 4th st st St se 6 rooms bath 1850 185178 178OR 178FOR i iFORFOR OR RENT RENTREMODELED REMODELED THROUGH THROUGHoutout 917 R st nw 12 1 Jorge Jarg rooms and andporcelain andporcelain andporcelainporcelain bath 2story 2story brick stable stle In Inrear Inreari inrearrear rent 3350 00 Apply E W McIN McINTIRE McINTIRr MoINTIRETIRE reari TIRr TIRE between 9 and 12 1 a a m 224 24 C st stnw st stn atnnw n W side entrance or phone Main 55S7 55S7W 55S7UNFURNISHED 5 5UNFURNISHED 5587UNFURNISHEDUNFURNISHED222 2 N Cap st st St 18 1 r and 2 b b310000 10000417 47 A stse st St sa so 10 r and b corner 6000407 40 E Cap st st 10 r and b 4560 4i61000 10 Pa Pat aye se se 12 1 r and 2 b 4560 45602203d2203d 20 220 3 3d st 5t se 12 1 r and b 42501377 13 Mass ave se 7 r b corner 3250 350415 A st 6t se 9 r and b 3250 35400 4r D st se se 10 r and b 3300 30138 13 D st at at se 7 r and b 2858151 Carroll Carrol st 5t se 8 r and b 2750302 32 N C ave se 6 r and b 2750 25302 30 3d st 8t se 7 1 r and b 2750 25405 40 K n st ne C r and b 27 ZUO 2110706A 0706 70 706A A st ne 7 r and b 2760 21i1377 137 B st se 6 r and b corner 268213 8th st 5t ne 7 1 r and b 2600 201227 127 F st 6t ne ne 9 r I and b 2650 2650IS 25IS 1 E st st ne ne 8 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SPftc 9SPlerce Pierce nw w water rl 3 staHs staHsKRea 11am K ar HBI 11 4 9th 9 at atFURNISHED FURNISHEDTEN FUNISHED FUNISHEDTEN FURNISHEDTENTEN ROOMS THREE BATHS JULY JULYto JY JYto JULYtoto October Octob or longer Mrs Mr J C CSCANTLING CSCANTLING CSCANTLINGSCANTLING 167 16 16 R st st St nw 179 179WANTED I IWATDHOUSES 1711WANTEDHOUSESWANTED WATDHOUSES WATDHOUSESRECENTLY WANTEDHOUSES WANTEDHOUSESRECENTLY HOUSES HOUSESRECENTLYRECENTLY INVESTED TSTED 10000 100 NOW NOWhave NOWhae NOWhavehave an additional addional 20000 20 to Invest Invet In Insmall Insmal insmallsmall smal properties propertes in this city ciy Address AddressLAWYER AddressLAWYERLAWYER LAWER Box 79 7 Herald office 174tf 174tfBUSINESS li4tt li4ttUSISS 174tiBUSINESSBUSINESS USISS PROPERTIES PHOPERTIESHERE PROPERTS PROPERTSHERE PROPERTIESISHERE IS A BARGAIN BAGAI IN I A BUSINESS BUSINESSproperty BUSINESSproperty BUSINESSpropertyproperty A double store on Capital CapitalTraction CapitalTracton CapitalTractionTraction Tracton car line lne On the Heights HeightsLeased HeightsLeased HeightsLeasedLeased to fine fne tenant tenat at 51 1 a a month612 a a year tear er new no repairs repars to make makeJ5SOOJ5SOO 5800 8 bee e us at once about this thisTIIOS thisTIOS thisTUbSTUbS TIOS J FISHER CO INC INC1S1 ISC1s1S1 1s 738 7 15th 1th st 8t nw nwPOR nwFOR nwFORFOR SALE SAFAMS SAFAMSNORTHER1 SALEFARMS SALEFARMSNORTHERN FAEMS FAEMSNORTHERNNORTHERN NORTHER1 VIRGINIA VRGII FARMS FARMSStock FARMStock FARMSStockStock dairy dair orchard and old colonial colonialIhomes from 25 2 to loO an acre nearI Washington Wahington D C 3 1 PRESTON SHAN SHANNON SHA SHANNON NON FARM SPECIALIST Purcellville Purelvle PurcellvilieVaVA Va th3t mblOti mblOtiI1 WANTED WATD FAEMS FAEMSPOOR FAMS FAMSPOOR PARMSPOORPOOR LAND LAD WANTED WANTEDWe WANTEDWe V ANTED ANTEDVeWe Ve want wat a farm of 100 10 to 200 2 acres acris of ofthe ofthe ofthethe poorest and cheapest cheapet land In Vir Virginia Virginia STIrginia ginia ginia within 20 miles of Washington Washingtongive Washingtongive Washingtongivegive price location locaton and full particulars particularsto partculars partcularstoto show that that the property will w1 meet the therequirements thereuirement therequirementsproprtyrequirements requirementsAMERICAN reuirementAMERICAN AERICAN LAND COMPANY COP Alt177 17 617 13th st nw nwREAL n nREA nwREALREAL REA ESTATE ESTATMSCELOUS ESTATMSCELOUSREAL ESTATEMISCELLANEOUS ESTATEMISCELLANEOUSREAL MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSREALREAL ESTATE ESTATELOANS ESTATELANS ESTATELOANSLOANS LANS TERRELL AND INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTSTERRELL IVESTMENS INVESTMENTSTERRELL LITTLE1413 113 H st st at nw 4tf 4tfBUSINESS 4tiBUSINESS tp tpBUSISSBUSINESS BUSISS CHANCES CHANCESA CICS CICSAA RARE CHANCE CHANCEWill CHACE CHACEWl CHANCEWillWill Wl give Interest In oldestablished oIestabIshed and andmoneymaking andmoneymaking andmoneymakingmoneymaking cash business to wide wideawake wide wideawake awake young youn man ma with 200 2 to 300 3 cash coshcapital clh clhopltal cashcapitalcapital opltal BOX 97 Herald office 179 179MOVING 179MOVG 179MOVINGMOVING MOVG PACKING PACKG STORING STORINGGET STORIG STORIGGET STORINGGETGET OUR ESTIMATES ON ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTEly ABSOLUTly fireproof freproot storage UNITED STATES STATESSTORAGE STATESSTORAGE STATESSTORAGESTORAGE CO 418420422 U840 10th st 8t nw nwPhone nwPhone nwPhonePhone Main 4229 4 177tf 177tfFURNITURE 17tt 17ttFRNITURE 117tiFURNITUREFURNITURE FRNITURE BAGGAGE PIANOS PIOS c cmoved c cmovedmoved with care cre packing pacldngand and shipping shippinga shippingspecialtya specialty KRIEGS EXPRESS EXRESS 1224 1224H 14 14H 1224HH et 8t nw Phone MaLi 2010 210 83tf 83tfTHE SU SUTHE S3tfTHETHE PEOPLES STORAGE AND AN EX EXpress EXpres ENpresspress pres Co makes a specialty specialy of moving movingstoring movingstorln movingstoringstoring storln and shipping furniture furiture C R RCLIFFORD RCLIFFORD RCLIFFORDCLIFFORD CLIFFORD CO 1540 15 7th st st nw PhoneNorth 3940m 340m I49 I49CLAIRVOYANT H HCLAVOYAT 149SS CLAIRVOYANT CLAIRVOYANTFREE CLAVOYAT CLAVOYATFREEFREE CLAIRVOYANT CLARVOYANT READING BY BYtrancemedium BYtrance BYtrancemediumtrancemedium trance medium advice on business businesslove buslMSSlove businslovelove and marriage mariage send ten Ic 1cstmps 1cstmpsand stamps stampsand stampsandand Mich birth date Prof Proto P ot EAGLE EGLE Saginaw SaglnawMich SaginawMlcb SaginawMichPROF LEON LEO DE VOITX VOITXHindoo VOU VOUXHindooHindoo Clairvoyant and Palmist PalmistFIom PalmistFromFrom the land of mystic mystc lore He tells tellsyou tels telsyoU tellsyouyou whom and when you will wi marry mar Is Isour Isyouryour our husband or wife wle untrue Does Doe an another another anotherother share the love that is rightfully rightfullyyours rightulY rightulYours rightfullyyoursyours ours Have you lost your lover or sweet sweetheart sweetheartheart heart Do you want to get them back backIf backI backItIf I so consult consultPROF consultPROF conSultPROFPROF LEON DE VOUX VOu NATIVE NATIE HIN HINDOO HN HNDOO HINDOODOO PALMIST PAMIST 639 69 F Fst Fat st nw room IS ISOPP08f 18Opposite ISOppositeOpposite StuthOpposlt OPP08f Casino Caino Theater Theater15Stutht Theater156Stuthtf156 15Stutht 15StuthtI 156Stuthtf Stuth ituthtfIFOR SALE SAHOUSS SAHOUSSFOR SALEHOUSES SALEHOUSESFOR HOUSES HOUSESFORFOR SALE SALEA SALE SALEAA SEMIDETACHED HOME HOMEFOR HOM HOMEFORFOR ONLY 3500 5200 CASH CAS20 MONTHLY NOTES NOTESSEVEN NOTESSEVN NOTESSEVENSEVEN SEVN BRIGHT ROOMS ROOMSFOUR ROOMSFOUR BOOMSFOURFOUR BEDROOMS BEDROOMSLARGE BEDROOMSLARGE BEDROOMSLARGELARGE WELLAPPOINTED BATH BATHFRONT BATH BATEFRONTFRONT FONT AND REAR PORCHES PORCHESCONCRETE PORCHESCONCETE PORCHESCONCRETECONCRETE CONCETE CELLAR CELLA UNDER ENTIRE ENTIREHOUSE ENTIREHOUSE ENTIREHOUSEHOUSE HOUSEELEGANT HOUSEELEANT HOUSEELEGANTELEGANT ELEANT HOT HOTWATER WATER HEATING HEATINGPLANT HEATL HEATINGPLANT G GPLANTPLANT PLANTGAS PLANTGAS PLANTGASGAS AND ELECTRIC ELECTRIC LIGHTS LIGHTSHANDSOMELY LIGHTSHADSOMELY LIGHTSHANDSOMELYHANDSOMELY HADSOMELY FINISHED FINISHEDTHROUGHOUT FNISHED FNISHEDTHROUGHOUT FINISHEDTHROUGHOUTTHROUGHOUT THROUGHOUTWELL THROUGHOUTWELL THROUGHOUTWELLWELL LOCATED LCATED IN L1 NW SECTION SECTIONONLY SECION SECIONONLY SECTIONONLYONLY 22 2 MINUTES FROM 9TH AND A D F PNORTHWEST FNORTHEST FNORTHWESTNORTHWEST NORTHWESTALWAYS NORTHEST NORTHWESTALWAYSALWAYS OPEN OPENJORDAN OPENJORDAN OPENJORDANJORDAN CO INC1305 1 G st st nw nwFOR nwFOR nwFORFOR SALE SALEPRICE SALEPRICE 1000RENTED 1000 1000RENTED 0RENTED RETED FOR 1OR OR 1350 1350A 1850A 35A SMALL SMAL HOUSE NEAR UNION UNIONSTATION UON UONSATION UNIONSTATIONSTATION SATION SATIONA STATIONA I IAA GOOD ONE TO MAKE 1rKE MONEY ONEY ON ONJORDAN ONJORDAN ONJORDANJORDAN CO INC INGl IWOlZOSGstnw1305 l lZOSGstnw lZOSGstnwDONT G st st nw nwDONT nwDONTDONT OVERLOOK OVERLOOKTHIS OVELOOK OVELOOKTiS OVERLOOKTHISTHIS TiS NEW AND UPTODATE UPTODATEHOME UPTODATEHOME UPTODATEHOMEHOME HOMELocated HOMELcted HOMELocatedLocated Lcted In choice section secton of ofnortheast ofnorthet ofnortheastnortheast northet near n ar schools bank bankmarket bankmarket bankmarketmarket Union Station Staton and ad with within withIn withIn in one block of three car lines lnes It Itcontains I Itcontainscontains 6 large beautiful beauttul rooms roomsnicely roomsnicely roomsnicelynicely decorated deoorate spacious closets closetslarge closet closetslargelarge lage reception recepton hall hal smooth hard hardwood hardwoO hardWood wood woO finish fnish throughout throughout concrete concretecellar concreteceIa concretecellarcellar ceIa servants serants toilet toiet and laun laundry laundr latindry dry dr tubs 2story 2stor back porohes poroheshotwater poroheshotwatr porcheshotwaterhotwater hotwatr heat large lot to wide widepublic widepubUc widepublicpublic alley aleySITUATED 722 72 7TH H ST NE NECome NECome NEComeCome out SUNDAY Open until unti 8 p m mFor mFor inForFor particulars partculars see seeM seeHM 1 L GOTTWALS GOTTWALSHOME GOTW GOTTWALSHOME ALS ALSHOMEHOME BUILDER BULDE BUILDER7127th712 7127th 7th st 8t ne neIN neL neIN7IN L NEW NORTHWEST NORTHEST SECTION SECTIONBEST SECTIONBBS SECTIONBESTBEST BBS BARGAINS BARGAINSRESIDENTIAL BARGAINSININ INRESIDETIAL INRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES PROPERTIESSeven PROPERTIESSeven PROPERTIESSevenSeven rooms and bath hotwater heat heatLARGE heat heatLARGELARGE LRGE YARDS YARDSNOS YARDSNOS YARDSNOSNOS NOS 443044224424 4t424L GEORGIA AVE AVEOpen AV4480 4480Open 4 4OpenS Open p m tor Inspection Inspecton from 8 a a in I to toS tog toSA C HOOGHTON IOUGITOY Jt CO CO6S86S8 9 F st st nw nwFOR nwFOR nwFORFOR SACEA SAIA FINELY SITUATED SITUATEDlotlot at Chevy Chase Chae section secton 4 60x120 60x120with 6x2 60X120withwith wih all Improvements impavement Can be pur purchased purcae purthased chased cae for 314403100 1440 4410 1CO cash csh balance balanc pa paI pay payable payrable > >I able n 10 per month monthTUOS monthTHOS monthTROSTUOS pr J FISHER CO INC ISGIn177 738 15th lth st St nw nwBEAUTIFULLY nwBEAUTIFLLY nwBEAUTIFULLYBEAUTIFULLY BEAUTIFLLY LOCATED LOT IN INChew INChevy INChevyChevy Chase fronting trontng Connecticut Connectcut ave avenear avener avenearnear ner Chevy Cev Chase Club This lot may maybe maybe maybebe purchased pur hae below prevailing prevalng prices by byImmediate byImmediate byimmediateImmediate buyer A splendid speculation speculationTUOS speculationTUbSTUbS TIOS J FISHER FISIER 4 it CO INC1 177 17 73S 73 lath th st nw nwMOST nwMOST nwMOSTMOST DESIRABLE DESILE LOCATION LCATION IN INCHEVY INCHEYY INCHEVYCHEVY CHASE CHASECorner CHE CHECorner CHASECornerCorner of two prominent driveways drivewayslawns drlvewnyslitot driveways170footlitot 170foot frontage nearly hal half acre ol olJawn o olawnslawns Jawn with wih beautiful beutful shrubbery shrubber one oneblock oneblok oneblockblock blok from cars cas one fare to city ciy house housecontains houe houecontins housecontainscontains hot hotwater hotwaterht hotwaterheatcontins 11 rooms roms and bath bt water waterheatheat broad bod verandas veranda splendidly built builtand buUtand builtandand most mot artistically arUstcalY arranged aran go This is isone Isone isOneone of the finest fnet suburban homes home In the thevicinity the1dnlty thevicinityvicinity of Washington WashingtonG Washingon WashingonGet WashingtonGetG Get t full ful particulars particularsTUOS pUculars pUcularsTIOS particularsTIIOSTUOS TIOS J FISHER FISlER CO INC177 17 73 7 738 15th lth st 5t nw nwIN nwI nwININ I CHEVY CHASE CHSE NEAR CONNEC CONNECticut CONNECtcut CONNECticutticut tcut ave veHome Home of nine rooms and andbath andbth andbathbath bth with lh every ever modern convenience conveniencebeautifully conveniencebuUtuUy conveniencebeautifullybeautifully buUtuUy Kept grounds gounds with abundance abundanceofof shrubbery trees and hedges hedge within withinone withinone withinoneone ear er fare tar zone close cose to the circle circlesouthern circlesutern circlesouthernsouthern sutern exposure psue This property Is one oneof oneot oneofof the most desirable deiable homes In ChevyChas ChasPRICE 3110 3110TUbS 11000 11000THOS 10THOS J FISHER fc CO INC177 17 78S 16th 1th st st at nw nwJN nwON iiwONON JN BROOKVILLE ROAD NEAR NEARBRADLEY NEA NEARBRADLEYBRADLEY LANE LANEEight L1E L1EEght LANEEightEight Eght room rom and bath large attic atc and andcellar ad adclar andcellarcellar clar broad bod porch prc This property propert Is Issplendidly I Issplendidlysplendidly pendtly located locate and contains a half halfacre hal halfacreacre ace of ground gound in the te rapidly Increasing Increasingsection Increasingsetio Increasingsectionsection setio of bL Chevy Chev Chase Cement side sidewalks sldevak sidewaIk walks vak to cars cs very vel convenient to stores storesschool storessho1 storesschoolschool sho1 churches c Price low only onl7500 7503 1 Terms arranged arrangedTIIOS arnged arngedTlOS arrangedTUbSTUbS TlOS J FISHER iISIER A t CO INC177 17 73S 15th st at nw nwA nwA nwAA BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME HOM ON ONMORRISON ONMORRISON ONMORRISONMORRISON STREET STREETCHEVY STREETCHEVY STREETCHEVYCHEVY CHASE D C CHome CHome CHomeHome of U 1 spacious spcious rooms and bath bathhotwater bathhotwater bathhotwaterhotwater heat large lage attic concrete cel cellar celJar cclmr Jar under entire house houseLARGE houseLGE houseLARGELARGE LGE COVERED COVERE SLEEPING SLEEPINGPORCH SLEEPINGPORCH SLEEPINGPORCHPORCH WITH SOUTHERN SOUTHERNEXPOSURE SOUTHERNEXPOSURE SOUTHERNEXPOSUREEXPOSURE EXPOSUREHouse EXPOSUREHouse EXPOSUREHouseHouse Is of the centerhall centerhal plan with withopen wi withopenporches porchesLess prhe open opn fireplaces freplaces Brood Broa front and rear rearporches re reprhe rearporchesLess Les than half hour from downtown downtownwith downtownCombinesCombines every possible cl city convenience convenlencwith conveniencewithwith the charms and delights deJghts of Wash Washingtons WashIngons Washingtons ingtons Ingons most mot beautiful bautful suburb suburbSee suburbSeeSee this home at once onceTHOS onceTIOS onceTHOSTHOS TIOS J FISHER CO INC177 17 73S i8 16th st St nw nwIN nwI nwININ I NEW NORTHWEST NORTHST SECTION SECTIONBEST SECTIONBEST SECTIONBESTBEST BARGAINS BARGAIS IN INRESIDENTIAL I INRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIENTIAL PROPERTIES PROPERTIESSeven PROPERTIESSeven ROPERTIESSvenSeven Sven rooms and bath hot hotwter hotwterheat hotwater hotwaterheat water waterheatheat LARGE YARDS YARDSNOS YARDSNOS YARDSNOSNOS 44SJ44224424 H424 GEORGIA GEORGI AVE AVE44W44W 44WOpen 4450Opon4Open for Inspection from S a a m mto mto intoto 8 p m mA mA inAA C HOUGHTON JOUGITO CO COrn COTn177 623 6 623FSLnw 623FSLnwFOR F St St nw nwFOR nwFORFOR SALE SALEA S SALEAA GOOD INVESTMENT INVESTMENTOwner INVESTMENTOwner STMEN STMENOwnerOwner leaving the city must sell sel at atonce atonce atonceonce a wellbuilt welbuUt 8room dwelling dwelng lot lot21x120 lot2xL lot22x12021x120 2xL to alley Would rent steadily stediy at ati3050 60 i Would make a fino homo hom for forcolored torcolored forcoloredcolored party partyII partyII163tf 16tt II 1 L RUST 14OO 140 H at t nve nve163tf DW16tt Uw169tiFLOOR FOOR OILS OILSONCE OI OILSONCEONCE USED ALWAYS USED USEDBRINKMANS USEDDRINIOINS USEDIJR1NKMANSBRINKMANS BRINKMANSSANITARY DRINIOINS DRINIOINSSANITAY IJR1NKMANSSANITARYSANITARY SANITAY WAX FLOOR OIL OILPrice OI OILPricePrice ISo 15 bottle botte5 SOc gal al delivered deliveredFOR delvere deliveredFORFOR STORES AND A D PRIVATE USE USELAYS USELYS USELAYSLAYS LYS the DUST and DOES NOT leave leavethe lea leathe leavethethe floor foor STICKY or SLIPPERY SLIPERY but bu buBRINGSBRINGS out the GRAIN and GIVES the thefloor th thfoor thefloorfloor foor a a HARDWOOD HRDWOOD FINISH Just the thething th ththing thethingthing for the floor foor after taking taing up the theED th thcarpet thecarpetcarpet and malngs Manufactured b byED BRINKMAN CO Phone Main 1113267 31 Office Ofce 363 3 Pa Po ave av nw For sale at atall a aan atallall grocery gocor and cigar stores 160tf 160tfHEALTH 16tt 16ttHTH isotiHEALTHHEALTH HTH MOVEMENT MOVEMENTVIA MOVMN MOVEMENTVIAVIVIA VI VIAVI VI V SCIENCE OF HEALTH HATH NAT NATural NATuraJ NATuralural nonsurgical cloth bound 400pagb 400pagbbook 400pagebook Opagbook free free Apply by mall mal 916 Colorado ColoradoBldg ColoradoBldg ColoradoBldgBldg Free Fe6 lecture for women Wednes Wednedays days at 230 p m 83tf 83tfWINDOW 8tt 8ttWDOW 83tfWINDOWWINDOW WDOW AND AD HOUSE CLEANING CLEANINGYOULL CLI CLEANINGYOULLYOULL YOULL WEAR BILLIKENS BILIKNS SMILE SMEif I you ou have the Acme do your yau wIn wlnWINDOWdow office and house cleaning ACM ACMEWINDOW CLEANING CLEANIG CO 921 92 G st at nwPhone Main 7159 7159PAWNBROKERS 759 759PAWBROKRS 7159PAWNBROKERSPAWNBROKERS PAWNBROKERSMONEY PAWBROKRS PAWBROKRSMONE PAWNBROKERSMONEYMONEY MONE TO LOANON DIAMONDS DI tONDS AND JEWELRYJEWELYLOUIS ABRAHAMS AnnAHAMS2666mo Gmo 433 4 9TH ST NW NW2666mo N NW2G6GmoENGINEERS ENGINEERSWHEN ENGIERS ENGIERSWHEN ENGINEERSWHENWHEN YOU BUILD BUILD BULD FIRE FIREproofBEALE FRE 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Cbr 1000 For Sale In Cincinnati Ohio


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